

Yin Ping Forest Park Master Plan area of 123.5 square kilometers, is the largest area of forest in Dongguan City Park, 898 meters above sea level peak Yinpingzui for "Dongguan first peak." Here several overlapping peaks, clear water linger, deep valleys, bamboo green, flowers, year-round misty mountains, clouds and rain changing thousands, known as "Jiuzhaigou" reputation. Yin Ping Forest Park is divided into Xiegang, Qingxi and Zhangmutou area three. Qingxi Area both magnificent magnificent, kaleidoscope, Dongguan first waterfall; there rattan hanging cliffs, deep shading date YangQiaoJing area; there craggy rocks, attitude of thousands of Zi Yan Court and blasting and other wonders attractions. Xiegang Area have to challenge the limits of "step ladder" Dengfeng dangerous road; there are always clear water often flows, stone buildings of the "five generals" water trail; there vicissitudes, mysterious Buddha sitting on a lotus Millennium Trail.

Park is a subtropical monsoon climate, annual rainfall 1500-2400mm, rainfall concentrated in the April-September, the annual average temperature 22.1 ℃. The park is rich in flora and fauna, is a veritable

Plant kingdom, bird paradise. "In addition to have Amentotaxus, Cephalotaxus CHINA pine, lysidice brevicalyx, Sparrow flowers and other characteristics of different plant communities as well as pangolins, piano snakes, owls, wild boar and other species of wild animal protection. So far, more than 1500 kinds of plants were found, more than 90 kinds of birds.

Yin Ping Shan Shiqianfeng King show, Changchun trees, is a set of tourism, leisure, science and education in one of the resort, exposure to which can allow you to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoy the feel movement of nature.

Beautiful scenery